Event name
Memory Cafe
Wed 04 / 23 / 2025
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Avenue
Columbus OH 43202
15 Clinton Heights Avenue
Columbus OH 43202
Who can attend
Members only
Timna Haines
Memory cafés provide an inclusive space for people with dementia and their caregivers to nurture relationships, deepen community connections, and learn about resources.
During the memory café, caregivers are welcome to attend a seperate educational presentation. Today, CafFit coordinator Angie Wise is presenting on CarFit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do participants need to acknowledge that they have dementia?
No. They will not be asked if they have a diagnosis. The environment is geared to the comfort and success of people with a wide range of cognitive capacities. The focus is socializing, building relationships, and enjoying activities together.
What disease stage is the Memory Café geared to?
Our Memory Café is appropriate for anyone who can negotiate the physical space (which is fully wheelchair accessible) and enjoy being in a group of people. A care partner should stay with anyone who needs assistance with ambulation, medications, and/or using the restroom. Staff and volunteers will not be able to help with these personal care needs.
Is the Memory Café for care partners too?
Yes! A memory cafe is a way for care partners to enjoy activities with their loved one as a break from the normal routine they share. It is not respite care. However, there may be times when the group will be split up, so that caregivers can attend an educational presentation or separate activity.
What takes place during the Memory Café?
The first hour will include time to get to know one another and enjoy coffee, tea, and pastries, as well as a group activity. During the second hour, caregivers are welcome to move to a separate area for what will typically be an educational presentation or an opportunity to share resources, while the remaining participants will enjoy another activity. These may activities include: arts/crafts, games, exercise, music, story-telling, and/or trivia.
Can I receive roundtrip transportation to the Memory Café?
Yes! In your registration, let us know if you need a ride and we will coordinate this for you! However, we cannot guarantee transportation for anyone living outside the Clintonville-Beechwold service area.
What is the cost of attending?
It's free!